
Trendy Treehouse Shop Review

Last week, a fellow blogger Tara from Trendy Treehouse, opened an online shop.  

We decided to do a review for each other since I was launching my Shop this week.

Tara creates cute printables, in customizable colors, ready for you to print.

Tara was extra sweet and not only made a printable for Asher, but she created one for Abbie too.

The Trendy Treehouse Shop sells many different items...

This is what we got.  Tara had a great idea of getting each letter of the alphabet and hanging it up around a child's room.  The bright colors and big letters would look great.

We started off with

They both turned out great, and I am just waiting for the printing company to finish them up. 
These will help Asher and Abbie recognize even better, the first letter in their names.

Asher was so proud of the fact that he wrote a perfect letter A last week.  Now every time he sees this hanging on his wall... he will remember:)

Go over and visit Tara's Shop and peek around... she updates it frequently.
Good Luck to Tara!

FTC Disclosure- I was compensated for this post by receiving two free printables.  My opinions and support of this awesome shop, however,  are my own.