
{Party} Surprise Barbell Birthday Party

Today is Matt's 28th Birthday!
 He has class tonight, and won't get home until after 8pm.
I wanted to do something fun for him, since I knew we couldn't celebrate tonight.
2 months ago I started planning...
something small...


I lied to Matt and told him I got my mom to take care of the kids so that we could go out for our Anniversary (5 years next week:)

I made an invite, hoping for secrecy.
I planned it on a day that ended up being homecoming, and my cousins birthday...
so it was Matt's immediate family, and my immediate family
and we had a blast.

I made a Barbell Cake to fit the theme...
Nutella Rice Krispie Treat "Protein Bars"...
Oreo Suckers with Red, Silver, and Black Sprinkles...
and Bottled Water.

When Matt got home, I blindfolded him...
I guided him to the car and got him thoroughly confused.
I led him to the church, and he knew we were there because of that "church building smell"

I untied the blindfold...
and everyone yelled SURPRISE!

Then Asher went and licked the cake... he couldn't wait anymore:)

I got Matt a wok, since we recently tried and LOVED Thai Food.
I added some jasmine rice, sweet Thai chili sauce, bamboo cooking tongs, and a Love Notes journal.

I went for simple
Matt had fun
and the kids loved surprising Daddy:)


Happy Birthday Matt
I LOVE You Always!!!
 Linking to- Whipperberry, Ladybird Lane, Delicate Construction, The Answer is Chocolate