
For Me:)

When I got back from our Pioneer Day vacation, I had a fun surprise waiting for me in my inbox.
Amy over at One Artsy Mama had passed on the Liebster Award.  This award for highlighting blogs that have less than 300 followers.
As Amy said, "The Liebster Award is one you accept with the intention of paying it forward. When you accept the award, choose 3-5 other blogs that you feel deserve more followers, and pass the word on to them."

She is humorous, she is an amazing writer, she is a faithful commenter and follower of my blog.
She has an excellent sense of style, a cute personality, and we share a love of the color YELLOW:)

Heather from A Goddess in Progress
She writes thought provoking posts, who has been a bloggy friend for a long time now.  Her hubby also just got back from a tour in the Military, for which I am grateful.

 Now for the 7 Random Facts about me, that go with the award...

1~ I don't like to watch sports on TV.  I do fine if I am actually at the event, like my BIL working for the Utah Jazz, and always getting us tickets.  I do however, thoroughly enjoy watching sports movies... Remember the Titans, Miracle, Forever Strong.  The only one I haven't liked was Glory Road, because of the scene where they beat a basketball player up, just because he is black and they are white:(

2~ I want one of my kids to play Percussion.  I have always wanted to, and I think it would be so much fun.  Whether it is on the marching band, band class, playing in the pit for the school musicals, or playing in a band in our garage... I don't care, I just want them to do it.

3~I print Braille for one of the highest producers of braille in the world.

4~ I have always had a hard time checking books out from the library.  I always purchase the book to add to my personal library.  It is costly, and slow moving, but one day I may get my dream of high book shelves with a rolling ladder:)

5~  When my mom lived at her old house, there was a wicked storm that come through. You could see the Great Salt Lake a couple miles away.  All of a sudden a huge water spout formed and moved around the lake.  It was amazing to see the power in nature.

6~  I used to pay my cousins in old Backstreet Boys CD's and other random junk, to clean my room.  It drove my aunt nuts, that my cousins would come home with all this random crap:)
7~ I have read The Alliance by Gerald Lund, The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card... almost every year since I was in 9th grade in 2000.  

Thanks again for the award Amy.  Go check out the linked blogs and spread the LOVE to these awesome blogs:)